Necessity is substance; the promise of life.
Sustainability is in the honesty that nurtures the integrity
that builds the streets of our selves.
Self lives in the neighborhood of whom we claim to be
Go on Express yourself
The experience of knowing that the impregnable vulnerabilities exposed while engaged in the act of breast feeding have been as enlightening as they have life sustaining, has been life changing.
At no other time in my life have I felt so capable of accomplishing such a myriad of miracles while sitting so quietly exposed. I believe I achieved and emotionally experienced more in each 20 minute feeding session with my children in my arms and at my breast, than I have accomplished sitting idly anywhere, at anything else, for any amount of time, at any other time in my life.
I labored to provide for my kids unconditional Love and a hearty supply of fresh milk.
As a first time new Mother I did my best to discover what the world thought I (as a Mom) should already know, while attempting to cover up and practice the art of discretion.
I willingly participated in protesting any suggestions of indecency and addressed any proposition of sexualization, while witnessed in the act of breastfeeding for the purpose of nurturing survival.
Quietly, but with great bravery I persisted, much to the chagrin of some but also to the supportive, encouraging word of others.
I blundered, I stumbled, I cracked and I bled. I laughed, I cried, I engorged and I fed, and I fed and I fed!! I pumped, I bottled, I leaked, I sprayed. I did it my way.
Feed as you see fit. Nurture their hearts and their mouths and their minds. Use what little time there is "to feed" wisely for soon enough they too will be fed on-line "virtually" anything they want to chew! Feed their mouths and feed their minds, invest yourself in quality time. Talk is cheap and the app is free,
"Come here Son, sit down, there's something I want to say...
"Love you Mom, what's for supper tonight?" I hear my youngest say as he glances up from the I phone that's been feeding him all day...
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