Sticks and Stones by Ruby Redfort
Sticks and stones may break my bones,
but words can also hurt me.
Stones and sticks break only skin, while words are ghosts that haunt me.
Slant and curved the word-swords fall, it pierces and sticks inside me.
Bats and bricks may ache through bones, but words can mortify me.
Pain from words has left its' scar on mind and heart that's tender.
Cuts and bruises have not healed, it's words that I remember.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stones and sticks break only skin, while words are ghosts that haunt me.
Slant and curved the word-swords fall, it pierces and sticks inside me.
Bats and bricks may ache through bones, but words can mortify me.
Pain from words has left its' scar on mind and heart that's tender.
Cuts and bruises have not healed, it's words that I remember.
My Knights give meaning to my Daze.
I shall be forever grateful to have been gifted the joy of parenting.
Never have I learned as much and been so rewarded at any other job.
I am deeply and hopelessly in love.
Parenting IS hard work.
To parent or not to parent?
Friends of mine did not have children
because of their inability, due to infertility.
because of their inability, due to infertility.
They did not have a choice to make.
Friends of mine chose not
to have children.
Their decision was based on personal
I had initially viewed the decision as
a rather selfish one.
However, after some discussion with
them and after hearing them say
that they wished people would think
about having children
as long and hard as they had pondered
the decision not to have children,
I felt enlightened. continue reading HERE
Boys are Beautiful
From Son up till Son down
Although I jumped into parenting head first (pardon the pun) with little insight, no manual, no training and no active pay, the fruits of my labor have survived to this day.
Lillian the Domestic Engineer
The amazement of growth in play Blogs me today!
Look at what we've accomplished!
Look at what we can do! READ MORE HERE
I love this piece
by Elbert Hubbard
Build me a Son who will be strong enough to know when he is weak
and brave enough to face himself when he is afraid;
one who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat
and humble and gentle in victory.
Build me a son whose wishbone
will not be where his backbone should be.
will not be where his backbone should be.
Build me a son whose goals will be high;
a son who will master himself before he seeks to master others.
One who will learn to laugh, yet never forget how to weep;
One who will reach into the future, yet never forget the past.
a son who will master himself before he seeks to master others.
One who will learn to laugh, yet never forget how to weep;
One who will reach into the future, yet never forget the past.
Lead him I pray, not in the path of ease and comfort but under the stress and spur of difficulties and challenge.
Here let him learn to stand up in the storm, here let him know compassion for those who fail.
Here let him learn to stand up in the storm, here let him know compassion for those who fail.
After all of these are his add enough of a sense of humor
so that he may always be serious,
yet never take himself too seriously.
so that he may always be serious,
yet never take himself too seriously.
Give him humility so that he may always remember the simplicity of the greatness,
the open mind of true wisdom and the meekness of the true strength.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------the open mind of true wisdom and the meekness of the true strength.
Oh Dear Driver
Lillian the Domestic Engineer |
It was my youngest calling.
He was not long having gone from home
so it was kind of unexpected to be getting a call from him , which naturally upped the ante (anxiety)
My new driver may be conscientious but he is indubitably inexperienced.
"I didn't even see him coming Mom. I hear as I answer the call.
"The first one ran across and the second one came out of no where. I ran right into him!"
My heart stopped. My mind raced...Continue
Mom are you Listening?
Domestic Engineer |
MOM, did you hear me??
Did you call to make an appointment with the dentist for me today?
Mom do you remember where I put my keys yesterday?
Can you unplug the toilet in the basement today?
Do you know where my winter toque went to?
Mom will you type up an Resume for me?
Can you go to the bank for me today?
I can't find my computer cord do you have one I can borrow"?
Read More
License to Drive
It is the subject nightmares
are made of. It is a force much larger than one can imagine and way
beyond your Parental control. It is a powerful tool to the highway of
Life where you can go as fast as you like until you get caught or run
into somebody head on in reality.
It is the fear of midnight
knocking at your door and the Dread of seeing an Officers face ...and
then hearing no more.
It is the panic that parks
itself in your gut every the car is out.
It is your own thoughts that
keep you awake while in vain you attempt to shake the fear that your
late driver can and will create.
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