Each unique in their own design BEADS can be rolled, twisted, mushed, and mastered out of almost anything. The satisfaction of then stringing the Beads into a work of Art to wear never goes out of style.
Magazine Beads
While you're at the Library pick up your Free Library Card (if you don't already have one) and ask the Librarian for a book Titled
The ultimate in the creative results of recycling.
If you have school aged Kids don't forget to ask the Librarian about programing that happens at your own Library
Every year Libraries across CANADA get on board
in an effort to keep our youth actively involved (and even enjoying) reading throughout the summer.
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in an effort to keep our youth actively involved (and even enjoying) reading throughout the summer.
Read More
Magazine Beads Continued...To create the bead cut the paper into triangle shapes that are as wide at one end as your desired finished bead will be and taper it to a point at the other end. The strip should be about 5 inches long.
Brush glue onto one side of the triangle and roll the paper onto itself starting at the widest end and moving up towards the point. Don't forget the hole in the bead. The hole can be accomplished by making the first wrap of paper hollow and then rolling up without squishing the center or wrapped around a fat knitting needle to shape before being removed and set over night to dry.
The beads can be sprayed with an Acrylic Spray Sealant giving a shinier finish to your project. I've threaded my Magazine Beads onto Dental Floss each with a wooden bead between them.
Dental Floss, who would have thought?
Twas many years ago on a trip home from a visit to the Dentist in the City that I first has occasion to utilized Dental Floss as a creative tool.
After a long day of travel I was dangerously close to having used up all of the tricks in my bag designed to amuse, entertain and engage the bored youngsters on board. Managing to keep both the speed and my patience in check I pulled out the last 4 snacks in my bag. Cheerios to the rescue.
I then employed the oldest boy to cut off a piece of Dental Floss for each, long enough to create their own Candy Necklace.My challenge was "How many Cheerios will it take?"
They worked at counting, threading and nibbling all the way home.
The following day they all donned their creations for our walk, all proud of their production and the fact that they were each carrying their own Snack Pack! Even the floss was fun and functional before they were finished.
Wired for FUN
Check out this great link for HOW TO
Martha Made Bread Beads HERE
I've also made beads with Dirt and Glue for Earth Day. The Earth and Glue are mixed together, formed and pressed into a tight ball. A darning needle s inserted through the center to create the hole and then set to dry. Once dried the Earth Balls can be painted and stung on dental floss or Bead String to wear.
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